The next generation

They are used to communicating with their smartphones in every corner of the world. And these digital natives want to be online and fully connected in their car as well. In response to this trend, ŠKODA has equipped the new Fabia1 with the appropriate technologies. In addition, 125 possible color combinations deliver greater individuality on our roads.
Sociologists call them “Generation Y” – people born between 1977 and 1998. They are the first generation for whom computers, smartphones and apps come as second nature. They consciously integrate new technologies into their lives. Independence, individuality and mobility are paramount. Their world is colorful. Digital natives need to be “always on” – at home, at work and on the road. This means that individuality and connectedness are the order of the day – for the automotive industry, too.
The new ŠKODA Fabia is a good example of how to bring Generation Y’s world into the car. Equipped with SmartGate technology, the Fabia can transfer important vehicle data directly to a smartphone. This enables drivers to analyze their driving efficiency for a particular route using the ŠKODA Drive app, for example. Each journey can also be shared with friends on social networks.
The Fabia also features a MirrorLink interface to operate smartphones safely and easily in the car. This function mirrors the smartphone’s display on a screen in the central console and thus brings smartphone intelligence into the car, making it possible to access navigation apps or personal music collections.
The new Fabia’s exterior can also be individually styled. Its creators offer customers a style guide with a virtual color palette. This guide allows ŠKODA customers to “paint” their car before ordering. The body comes in a choice of 15 base colors. Another four colors – coordinated with each base color – are available for the roof, rims and external mirrors. Finally, there are four interior variants. The new Fabia has a total of 125 possible color combinations, making the streets a brighter place with individual pops of color.

How much fuel did my Fabia use on its last trip?
Using SmartGate technology, drivers can get answers to questions like this on an app and share them in social networks at the same time.
1 ŠKODA Fabia fuel consumption in l/100 km combined from 3.4 to 4.8; CO2 emissions in g/km combined from 88 to 110.
Andreas Mader