Audit of the annual and consolidated financial statements
The Annual General Meeting on May 13, 2014 elected PricewaterhouseCoopers Aktiengesellschaft Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft as auditors for fiscal year 2014, in line with our proposal. The auditors audited the annual financial statements of Volkswagen AG, the consolidated financial statements of the Volkswagen Group and the combined management report, and issued unqualified audit reports on all of these documents. In addition, they analyzed the risk management and internal control systems, concluding that the Board of Management had taken the measures required by section 91(2) of the AktG to ensure early detection of any risks endangering the continued existence of the Company. The Report by Volkswagen AG on Relationships with Affiliated Companies in Accordance with Section 312 of the AktG for the period from January 1 to December 31, 2014 (dependent company report) submitted by the Board of Management was also audited by the auditors, who issued the following opinion: “In our opinion and in accordance with our statutory audit, we certify that the factual disclosures provided in the report are correct and that the Company’s consideration concerning legal transactions referred to in the report was not unduly high.”
The members of the Audit Committee and the members of the Supervisory Board were provided in each case with the documentation relating to the annual financial statements, including the dependent company report, and the audit reports prepared by the auditors in good time for their meetings on February 26, 2015 and February 27, 2015 respectively. The auditors reported extensively at both meetings on the material findings of their audit and were available to provide additional information.
Taking into consideration the audit reports and the discussion with the auditors and based on its own conclusions, the Audit Committee prepared the documents for the Supervisory Board’s examination of the consolidated financial statements, the annual financial statements of Volkswagen AG, the combined management report and the dependent company report and reported on these at the Supervisory Board meeting on February 27, 2015. Following this, the Audit Committee recommended that the Supervisory Board approve the annual financial statements. We examined the documents in depth in the knowledge and on the basis of the report by the Audit Committee and the audit report as well as in talks and discussions with the auditors. We came to the conclusion that they are due and proper and that the assessment of the position of the Company and the Group presented by the Board of Management in the management report corresponds to the assessment by the Supervisory Board. We therefore concurred with the auditors’ findings and approved the annual financial statements prepared by the Board of Management and the consolidated financial statements at our meeting on February 27, 2015, at which the auditors also took part in discussions on the agenda items relating to the financial statements. The annual financial statements are thus adopted. Our examination of the dependent company report did not result in any objections to the concluding declaration by the Board of Management in the dependent company report. We reviewed the proposal on the appropriation of net profit submitted by the Board of Management, taking into account in particular the interests of the Company and its shareholders, and endorsed the proposal.
Our thanks and appreciation are owed to the members of the Board of Management, the Works Council, the management and all the employees of Volkswagen AG and its affiliated companies for their work in 2014. Their collective high level of personal commitment helped the Volkswagen Group to record a strong performance in the ongoing challenging market conditions and to continue pursuing the goals set out in its Strategy 2018 with confidence.
Wolfsburg, February 27, 2015

Prof. Dr. Ferdinand K. Piëch
Chairman of the Supervisory Board