Consolidated subsidiaries
Following its approval by the Annual General Meeting of MAN SE on June 6, 2013 and its entry in the commercial register on July 16, 2013, the control and profit and loss transfer agreement in accordance with section 291 of the Aktiengesetz (AktG – German Stock Corporation Act) between MAN SE, as the controlled company, and Truck & Bus GmbH, a wholly owned subsidiary of Volkswagen AG, as the controlling company, entered into force. The obligation to transfer profits is effective as of the fiscal year beginning on January 1, 2014; the obligation to absorb losses is effective for the first time as of fiscal year 2013.
The agreement sets out that the noncontrolling interest shareholders of MAN SE are entitled to either a cash settlement in accordance with section 305 of the AktG amounting to €80.89 per tendered ordinary or preferred share, or cash compensation in accordance with section 304 of the AktG in the amount of €3.07 per ordinary or preferred share (after corporate taxes, before the shareholder’s individual tax liability) for each full fiscal year.
Following the approval by the Annual General Meeting of MAN SE of the conclusion of the control and profit and loss transfer agreement, Volkswagen is no longer able to avoid its obligation to make a cash settlement. For this reason, the noncontrolling interests in the equity of MAN SE and the interest in Scania AB attributable to these noncontrolling interest shareholders, amounting to a total of €1,759 million, were derecognized from Group equity as of this date as a capital transaction involving a change in ownership interest. At the same time, a liability was recognized in accordance with the cash settlement offer for the obligation to acquire the shares in the amount of €3,125 million. The resulting difference of €1,366 million reduces the reserves attributable to the shareholders of Volkswagen AG. From now on, MAN SE’s profit or loss will be attributed in full to the shareholders of Volkswagen AG. As of December 31, 2014, 63,364 (December 31, 2013: 289,665) ordinary shares and 27,705 (December 31, 2013: 88,643) preferred shares had been tendered.
Following the derecognition of the noncontrolling interests in the equity of MAN SE from Group equity, all shares of Scania AB that are held by MAN SE are attributable to the Volkswagen Group.
In July 2013, Truck & Bus GmbH, a wholly owned subsidiary of Volkswagen AG, was served with an application in accordance with section 1 no. 1 of the Spruchverfahrensgesetz (SpruchG – German Award Proceedings Act) for judicial review of the appropriateness of the cash settlement in accordance with section 305 of the Aktiengesetz (AktG – German Stock Corporation Act) and the cash compensation in accordance with section 304 of the AktG for the noncontrolling interest shareholders of MAN SE attributable to the control and profit and loss transfer agreement between MAN SE and Truck & Bus GmbH, which was entered in MAN SE’s commercial register on July 16, 2013. As a result of the opening of the award proceedings, the obligation to the noncontrolling interest shareholders must be reassessed and the expected present value of the minimum statutory interest rate in accordance with section 305 of the AktG must be recognized as a liability. Based on the assumption that the award proceedings will take seven years, the assessment resulted in an expense of €493 million in fiscal year 2013, which was recognized in the other financial result. It is not currently possible to predict the exact duration of the proceedings.
On March 14, 2014, Volkswagen AG published an offer to the shareholders of Scania Aktiebolag, Södertälje, (“Scania”) to acquire all Scania A and Scania B shares. Each Scania A share conveys one vote at the general meeting, while each Scania B share conveys one-tenth of a vote. There are no other legal differences between Scania A and B shares. Volkswagen AG offered SEK 200 for each Scania share, regardless of share class. One of the conditions of the offer was that it resulted in the Volkswagen Group holding more than 90 percent of the total number of Scania shares. When the offer to the Scania shareholders was published, the present value of the put options granted amounting to approximately €6.7 billion was recognized as a current liability without affecting profit or loss. The Group’s retained earnings declined by the same amount.
Starting on May 7, 2014, Volkswagen acquired a total of 2.4 million Scania shares outside the offer (10,941 A shares and 2,400,679 B shares). This corresponds to 0.30% of Scania shares and 0.06% of the voting rights.
The condition for the Volkswagen Group to hold more than 90% of the total number of Scania shares was satisfied on May 13, 2014, and Volkswagen initiated a squeeze-out for the Scania shares that were not tendered in the course of the offer.
At the end of the second extended acceptance period on June 5, 2014, the number of shares tendered under the terms of the offer, together with the shares already held by Volkswagen either directly or indirectly, amounted to a total of 796.6 million Scania shares, comprising 398.7 million A shares and 397.8 million B shares. This corresponds to 99.57% of Scania shares and 99.66% of the voting rights.
On completion of the offer, the equity interest in Scania previously attributable to noncontrolling interest shareholders amounting to €2,123 million was required to be reclassified from noncontrolling interests to the reserves attributable to the shareholders of Volkswagen AG. The difference of €4,527 million reduced the retained earnings attributable to Volkswagen AG shareholders by the same amount.
The changes in the carrying amount of the liability of €96 million that was recognized when the offer was published, which were due primarily to exchange rate movements, were recognized in the financial result in profit or loss.
Net of exchange rate effects, the shares already tendered resulted in a cash outflow of €6,535 million as of the reporting date. This amount is reported within financing activities in the cash flow statement as an outflow from capital transactions with noncontrolling interests. A liability of €78 million from put options and compensation rights granted to noncontrolling interest shareholders was recognized for the remaining shares that are subject to the squeeze-out. The court of arbitration with jurisdiction has now decided that the remaining shares will be transferred to Volkswagen. On January 14, 2015, it was confirmed to us that the period for appealing against this decision had ended. As of that date, Volkswagen controls 100% of the shares in Scania. A judicial decision has yet to be taken on the appropriate settlement.
The other changes in the basis of consolidation are shown in the following table:
(XLS:) ![]() |
Number |
Germany |
Abroad |
Initially consolidated |
of which: subsidiaries previously carried at cost |
2 |
34 |
of which: newly acquired subsidiaries |
– |
– |
of which: newly formed subsidiaries |
10 |
19 |
12 |
53 |
Deconsolidated |
of which: mergers |
3 |
12 |
of which: liquidations |
7 |
12 |
of which: sales/other |
2 |
11 |
12 |
35 |
The initial inclusion of these subsidiaries, either individually or collectively, did not have a significant effect on the presentation of the net assets, financial position and results of operations. The unconsolidated structured entities are immaterial from a Group perspective. In particular, they do not give rise to any significant risks to the Group.